1st workshop / CENTQUATRE, Paris
From 5th to 11th January 2009: first period of training organized at CENTQUATRE

2nd workshop / PACT Zollverein, Essen
From 27th May to 1st June: second period of training organized at PACT Zollverein

3rd workshop / CalArts, Valencia
From 11th to 17th October: third period of training organized at CalArts

Paris / Essen / Los Angeles

Offered jointly by CENTQUATRE (Paris) and PACT Zollverein (Essen), the program Feldstärke International provides the opportunity to arts students from all disciplines (design, dance, cinema, circus arts, landscape art, visual and plastic arts, music, video, theatre, numeric arts), to work in closer collaboration.
The program is hosted for one week at each of the partners’ venues: at CENTQUATRE, at PACT Zollverein and finally at a third partner’s venue, which changes every year. For its first year, Feldstärke International invited the California Institute of the Arts in Valencia, Los Angeles to join the program. Thus, Feldstärke International 2009 brought together 49 students: 20 from German schools, 18 from French schools and 10 from CalArts.

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The program Feldstärke International takes place in the Artention France-Nordrhein-Westfalen 2008/2009 season, with the support of Nordrhein-Westfalen's Land. It is supported by the Office Franco-Allemand pour la Jeunesse (Ofaj) and the Holiday Inn Express*** Paris-Canal de la Villette. In Los Angeles, the project was supported by the Goethe Institut-Los Angeles, as well as the Cultural Services of the French and the German Consulates in Los Angeles by means of the French-German Fund.

Wednesday, January 7

mission La Louptière Thénard

A l'attention de la commune de La Louptière Thénard la note d'aujourd'hui est en français.

Aujourd'hui; notre recherche du chiffre 104 nous a mené à la rencontre du code postal 10400.
10400? Ou le nom de code du village de La Louptière Thénard (Aube).
Notre voyage fera l'objet d'un road-movie à travers la campagne enneigée, de Paris à La Louptière via la gare de Nogent-sur-Seine, avec quelques détours imprévus...
Chaque détour, même imprévu, est l'occasion d'une rencontre : c'est exactement ce que nous cherchions dans cette "Aventure": LE HASARD COMME REGLE, la règle du hasard.

Nous avions toutefois un but: conclure un partenariat "entre le 104 à Paris et le 10400 dans l'Aube".
C'est maintenant chose faite: Monsieur le Maire a accepté le titre de Parrain symbolique de cet échange "chiffresque".
Merci à lui !!

Today's note was in French to be understood by the inhabitants of La Louptière Thénard, a village in Aube that we have just discovered.
Our research of the Number 104 made us meet the postal code "10400" which is the one of this town. We wanted to know more about it and its inhabitants, so we took the train and then hitch-hiked to there, in order to talk with the Major. Each event of our trip, even non wanted, was part of our "road-movie". Each of these "adventures" was on opportunity for a meeting, which was exactly our goal.
Our mission was achieved, concluding a partnership between "the 104 in Paris and the 10400 in Aube". The Mayor accepted to encourage us for this work : thanks to him !

(this was group 9 : Aleigh, Antonin, Clarence, Valerie, Etienne)

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