This is a song.
1st workshop / CENTQUATRE, Paris
From 5th to 11th January 2009: first period of training organized at CENTQUATRE
2nd workshop / PACT Zollverein, Essen
From 27th May to 1st June: second period of training organized at PACT Zollverein
3rd workshop / CalArts, Valencia
From 11th to 17th October: third period of training organized at CalArts
Paris / Essen / Los Angeles
Offered jointly by CENTQUATRE (Paris) and PACT Zollverein (Essen), the program Feldstärke International provides the opportunity to arts students from all disciplines (design, dance, cinema, circus arts, landscape art, visual and plastic arts, music, video, theatre, numeric arts), to work in closer collaboration.
The program is hosted for one week at each of the partners’ venues: at CENTQUATRE, at PACT Zollverein and finally at a third partner’s venue, which changes every year. For its first year, Feldstärke International invited the California Institute of the Arts in Valencia, Los Angeles to join the program. Thus, Feldstärke International 2009 brought together 49 students: 20 from German schools, 18 from French schools and 10 from CalArts.
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The program Feldstärke International takes place in the Artention France-Nordrhein-Westfalen 2008/2009 season, with the support of Nordrhein-Westfalen's Land. It is supported by the Office Franco-Allemand pour la Jeunesse (Ofaj) and the Holiday Inn Express*** Paris-Canal de la Villette. In Los Angeles, the project was supported by the Goethe Institut-Los Angeles, as well as the Cultural Services of the French and the German Consulates in Los Angeles by means of the French-German Fund.

Thursday, January 8
Day ???, pace is rising...
Hello world,
Here are some late news from very full, not clear but determined heads. Time and space perception is changing, quantity of done things is growing, and quantity of things to do even more.
The Number helps for colors The Number helps for dissections The Number helps for books The Number helps for busses The Number helps for routes The Number helps for travels The Number helps for videos The Number helps for sleeping......
Aleigh, Valerie, Clarence, Antonin and Etienne.
BEAT 104
I was just thinking about catching the rythm of the 104, beating 104 on a metronom.
The beat of jam session in the Marché Riquet, catching energies, the rythm of a place.
Kicking in reality, drift frequency. Scott wants to put a radio outside of the 104.
It's all about links, vibrators,transducers taking temperature of an already boiling situation, performance situation.
A TV monitor, slow motions of dancers.
Headphones. Discovering the true waves, low frequency of one's music (David Zerbib).
Catch the experience.
The beat of jam session in the Marché Riquet, catching energies, the rythm of a place.
Kicking in reality, drift frequency. Scott wants to put a radio outside of the 104.
It's all about links, vibrators,transducers taking temperature of an already boiling situation, performance situation.
A TV monitor, slow motions of dancers.
Headphones. Discovering the true waves, low frequency of one's music (David Zerbib).
Catch the experience.
Totally Secret Thursday
Fighting cold
Idea n°1, so you can get warmer.
(It work better if you're angry about yourself)
I think we should share tricks about the cold problem.
Wednesday 8th - A threat in the air.

"Damn too " I said, but I was too late.
Things are happening, danger is crossing the walls, a threat is knocking at concrete, looking for a way to extend itself through our lines.
"Damn..." she said, and I realise she has a really good timing for her "Damn". Anyway, there was these red-head things, pretty small, and we couldn't say if they were actually moving. They had burn this bike in like an hour or less, like a swarm of ants. So what is it all about ? Are these thing multiplying ? Are we surrounded by them, what are they about to do ? Get rid of the whole place ? Do they choose their victims ?

I guess after a large consideration of "what danger could actually be dangerous for the site", we came to some sort of "what could be dangerous to us ?" to some kind of "what danger ?" to something like "why are you laughing ?" to, finally, "I like your smile, let's make some more". I guess some of us are taking risks. For real. I can say : there is still blood on our table and one of my fellow partners is blind since we've made a bottle explode. Risks, you know. Some of us are having joke about it, and it makes me wonder that humour, in somehow, is frequently based on fear. Isn't buster Keaton so funny and scary at the same time ? Are we not making our worst joke when we feel some tension in the air ? That's the deepest thought I could find for now but the girls in my team are going to do something about it. Damn.
For now, watch your steps, you could get burn.
And please,
try to warn the security guards if you see more of these red-heads stuffs walking around.
trying to sense the rythm of the neighbourhood of 104 we did some try outs during the last days:
Rythm 1
Rythm 2
Rythm 3
Rythm 1
Rythm 2
Rythm 3
Nice to meet you. know...very good
Et que ce se passerait-il si deux saxophonistes (Julien et Yoann) et une graphiste (Cléa) faisaient...
Et que se passerait-il si nous changions les codes d'une image? d'un son?
Et que se passerait-il si nous déplacions un morceau du code du son ou de l'image A dans un son ou une image B? Et si nous mixions A et B?
Hasard, hasard.....
ET quand le hasard fait bien les choses...
Nice to meet you
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