Today was about finding ways to meet one specific Number we are looking for.
Of course this Number is 104, or 1-0-4.
We just thought about this strange name for an artistic place, or further, for a building. It is both a name and a non-name : 104 can be plenty of other things that a name for this place. It can be other places. It can be an abstract Number. It can be an account, the result of an addition. It can be time. It can be people too.
We are now asking the connection between this Number and how to use it as a way to meet people and to share our work with them.
All of us think that we need to make fun to be efficient in our work. Our work is about being open to each meeting, to go where we think a meeting with this Number is possible, and to provoke the meeting. The more pictures, notes, video, sounds or whatever, we collect, the more interesting will be the collection of them, and the more easy-to-understand will be the link between them. We just want to trust the chance.
The only danger for us is to become obsessed with this Number and to see it erverywhere...
Tomorrow we are going to find as much as "104" we can find in the city.
We will also discover how "104" can be connected with other places out of Paris. We will go to a little town in Aube, one hour by train from Paris. This town seems to have a very specific relationship with the Number... We have to explore that.
This is group 9 : Aleigh, Antonin, Clarence, Etienne, Valerie.